Beijing Bird Watching Society
Beijing Bird Watching Society (BBWS) (in preparation) was founded by active and keen birdwatchers in Beijing. It is committed to forming bird watching groups in Beijing and promoting local bird watching activities. A number of members of BBWS have a professional background on ornithology, ecology, environmental conservation or education.
Objectives of BBWS:
- Recognize birds. Understand birds. Help birds;
- Bird watching based on scientific information;
- Base in Beijing, Develop Three North, Serve the whole nation, Communicate with international birdwatchers.
- Development of the team and its capacity;
- Conduct bird research and surveys;
- Publish annual report and newsletter;
- Facilitate cross-straits communication.
Publicity and Education:
- Members of the BBWS organize regular Wednesday lectures, which are developing as an on-line resource to share with birdwatchers in other places through the Internet.
- BBWS has produced a website "Bird Watch China" at to serve as an important education resource;
- Encourage and support bird watching in local and surrounding areas;
- Publish the "China Birdwatch" magazine, develop on-line version “China Birding News” and assist publication of "China Bird Watch" newsletter;
- Support the Beijing High School Bird Race.
Research and Conservation:
- Organize bird surveys in Beijing and surrounding areas: e.g. urban bird survey, and synchronized waterbird survey in Beijing and coastal areas. Through a variety of survey and monitoring activities to reflect condition of bird habitat and environmental changes;
- Conduct research on regional conservation important species (Relict Gull, Grey-sided Thrush and Mandarin Duck) and offer constructive comment on conservation, through the use of funding resources from overseas and Hong Kong;
- Collect and compile bird watching records in mainland China, and support the publication “China Bird Report”.
Mobile phone number of the Society: 13436380443
Birdwatching Group of the Friends of Nature 
Contact information
Online discussion forumĄG
Contact personĄG Mr. Li Qiang