Jiangsu Wild Birds Society Jiangsu Wild Birds Society (in prep.)

About us

Jiangsu Wild Bird Society, which is a non-profit civil organization, was founded in October 2005 by a group of people who care about the protection of wild birds in Jiangsu, especially in the Nanjing region. The present membership number is about 100.

Our mission

Loving wild birds, protecting the environment and developing a harmonic relationship between human and nature.


"Love birds, love nature!"


  1. Promoting the protection of birds and birdwatching.
  2. Conducting bird surveys and surveys on the habitats of birds.
  3. Cooperating with other wild animal rescue groups to save wild birds.
  4. Gaining public support to establish conservation consensus for the protection of wild birds and their habitats.

Present tasks

  1. Holding education programmes on the protection of wild birds which includes the promotion of birdwatching in the community and organizing trainings on bird identification for secondary and university students.
  2. Conducting bird surveys in wetlands of Nanjing (project of Nanjing Forestry Department).
  3. Gathering birdwatching data from members to produce a bird report of Jiangsu Wild Bird Society.
  4. Setting up the website of Jiangsu Wild Bird Society.

2007 tasks

  1. Starting bird surveys in the Nanjing region.
  2. Continuing the birdwatching promotion and education work.
  3. Starting monthly bird lectures.
  4. Producing electronic version of "Bulletin of Jiangsu Wild Bird Society ".

Contact information

Website: www.freebird.org.cn
Email address: freebird.js@gmail.com
Contact person: Lei Ming, Yuan Ping, Wang Lin