We support bird watching organisations by facilitating capacity development programmes and providing technical assistance.
The capacity development programme aims to build up capacity of bird watching organisations in a variety of areas such as bird surveys, site conservation activities, fundraising, education, as well as organisational management. It is anticipated that workshops would be organised twice a year, each lasting a couple of days and involving both classroom training and practical sessions.
Detail programmes are being developed and will be announced closer to the time. Parties interested in collaborating with us in running the training programme are welcome to contact us at
Tentative outlines of workshops under planning are given below:
Workshop on Bird Monitoring Techniques and Species and Site Conservation
Objective: To equip volunteer surveyors skills for quality improvement, so as to facilitate site conservation action.
- Techniques to monitor and report on birds and their habitats.
- The use of observational data to document the distribution and relative abundance of bird species.
- The concept of Important Bird Areas. There will be an emphasis on globally threatened species.
Workshop on Education and Public Awareness
Objective: To support keen members of bird watching societies in their development into effective educators and leaders.
- Sharing of experience in the organization of indoor and outdoor activities.
- Developing and planning public awareness programmes.
- Production of education material and other media such as games.
Workshop on Fundraising and Organizational Development
Objective: To provide some guidance to organizers of bird watching societies on the planning, implementation and evaluation of projects.
- Steps in the development of project proposals for successful funding application
- Case studies of successful funded bird conservation projects